Monday, February 8, 2010
Off day!
Why do I said that?
Well, usually even though I am off for that particular day, I still going to Sunway Carnival Mall since the very early.
However, it seems like today I am NOT going there. haha
I can't sleep for the whole night.
Too excited maybe because today I am getting my Blackberry Curve!!!
I some how manage to get myself into a rest at around 6 something in the morning.
Around 10++ A.M., I received a call from t he place where I worked ( Sony Centre, Sunway Carnival Mall ).
Not a big deal la.
Just a customer of mine come and take his Vaio X series.
That netbook damn cool man.
Its only 11" but cost you 5k++! lol
So the first voice I heard today is from Ms. Amelia Tan followed by Mr. Sean Lee.
Actually, that customer said that he will come and collect it on 9th, which is tomorrow.
Okla. I off but still got sale. hehex.
The first day of this month I off I also got sale.
Not bad huh?
I don't know why but the day I off sure got customer.
Before this, I off on Wednesday and on Wednesday got lots of customers but on Monday, no customer.
Then now, everything become vice versa. haix.
But I can still consdier myself as lucky one luh.
Hmm.... I still can't get my mind off the coming soon blackberry . Its like, all this while, I had only used other people's one but never mine but NOW!!! its so going to be MINE!!! muahahahahaha.
Hopefully everything will go on smooth lo.
I am supposed to get the Blackberry on Saturday but because of some circumstances, I can only get it today.
OMG!!! I just can't believe it.
okok. Gotta go now. Take care everyone....
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Missing those days

In just a blink of an eye, 6 years of primary school and 5 years of high school has ended.
During the years in primary school, we are just kids, blank and know nothing.
We played more than study.
I still remember how all other students struggle to achieve good result in UPSR but I am such a lazy one to only attend tuition classes and rarely done my homework.
I still remember that there was a year(standard 3 if I am not mistaken), my mom caught me NOT doing any homeworks at all when she suspected something fishy and checked my school bag.
That time was a hell for me as my mom went and see my class teacher including all my subject teachers.
After that, I have to finish all my homework in A WEEK time!!!
However, as years goes by, who cares.
Everyone is getting lazy.
We knew that UPSR is coming but the fear is just not there.
Maybe that time we were just too young. hahax.
Its like so relax only.
I went to tuition with the main intention was to pleased my mom. lol
I always score only 70++% for my Mathematics and others 80++% only.
During that time, everyone in my class seems to be brilliant as they scores 80++%-90++%.
I am always the average or the lowest scoring in the form. T__T
I thought that UPSR is nothing for me as everyone is still going to SMKCBW after that.
I started to really study for UPSR on the last 2 months and guess what??? I actually scored STRAIGHT A's for my UPSR!!!
Such a joy I felt that time. haha
Moving forward each year.
Then comes to PMR time.
Starting to felt the fear much much much earlier expecially when the teachers or friends mentioned about it.
I started failing my Mathematics since Form 2.
I am damn worried of my Mathematics that time.
I started to had a home tuition specially for my Mathematics.
God Bless Me that I had two good Maths teachers.
When the PMR result came out, I am so excited about the result but at the same time, fear is around me.
I am afraid if I failed my Mathematics or if everyone(my friends) scored straight A's but I did not.
With God's bless again, I pass all the subjects with flying colours.
YUP! I scored straight A's again.
A year pass by and it's time for SPM year.
The last year of school is really hectic expecially for me.
I held a few important posts at school but at the same time I have to balanced my study.
I cannot be like when I am in form 4.
When I am in Form 4, I really dedicate myself into co-curicular activities.
That really cost me alot.
I dropped from first class to second class.
Beginning of Form 5 was a hell for me as to be in second class is something unacceptable for me.
Then, a really good friend of mine, gave my courage to keep on going.
She even asked the pricipal to allow me back to first class if I got a good result during mid-term and the pricipal said YES!!!
It is NOT easy to balanced study, co-curicular activities and other problems.
That year(2009), I had to went through PCP test and also Campers badge test. I really had a hard time but thanks to a bunch of my friends whom willing to lend a helping hand to me.
These are my members and more of, my FRIENDS!!!
Guiding life

With some my my friends in guiding.

Training Camp 2. I won best backwoodsman, best fancy marching, 2nd runner up, and errmm.... 4gotten already.

Had a dinner with her. hehex
Not to be forgotten my Taekwon-do life!!!

A few months of strugelling worth everything.
I got first placing during mid-term exam.
However, I just stick to second class after that because of a few certain reasons.
As SPM was getting near, it wasn't the feeling of fear of SPM but its the feeling of fear of lost that was hauting most of us.
We realised that there were only few months left for us to be together in this school.
After that, all of us will be going on our own path.
We did more activities together and tried to be good to everyone but at the same time study hard for SPM.
The last day of school wasn't the last day for all the fifth formers as SPM will last till the month of December.
We took lots of pictures that day.
Here is a few to show all of you there. In case any of you meet any of them out there, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do send my regards to them k? Tell them I missed them so so so much....
After SPM, I took a rest for a few weeks then went out for a job haunting with Lai Samm and Soo Yee at Sunway Carnival Mall.
Got a job and I am currently enjoy working there.
Sony Centre, Sunway Carnival Mall is where I am working now!
From someone that only know how to fight for post and know about handphones, now I become a tech person.
I know how to do sales and communicate with peoples.
Its really a great ride of life to be with all the collegues there.
Its CARZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, no need I mention also you all can see it below. hahax.
If you are interested to work here, errmm.... I suggest you come and apply on April because now Sony SCM is FULL with a bunch(12, including a cashier and a clerk) of crazy humans. hahax. Sorry for the inconvinience caused. lolx.

Acting crazy after some online game during work

Happy moments are remembered but sad times are unforgotten.
Life which is full of obstacles is a life full of meanings.
Wether its schooling life, working life or family life, there is surely chalenges ahead us.
There is NO run away from it.
I confess that I had been in love and had a few relationships before.
Those past relationships really taught me a realy good lessons of life.
Friendships would sank if it is not taken care properly and I believe that I did not took a good care of certain friendships properly that is why it sank into the sea of another friendship.
To everyone out there, please take care of every relationships you are having or might have in the future. Once we had choosen the second path of road, there is no turing back even thought with the most regret.
The road not taken should not be looked back.
Move forward and pass through every obstacles faced with confidence.