Wednesday, December 9, 2009

AT LAST, its OVER!!!

After all the fifth formers in the whole nation struggled to fight for their papers, AT LAST!!! its finally over. but its only over for those like me who took 10 subjects, Bahasa Malaysia, Bahasa Inggeris, Mathemathics, Additional Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, English for Science and Technology, History and Moral Studies. For those who took Science and Accounts, you are a FREE Bird too.... Too bad for those taking other subjects. You guys have to wait... hehex.

The last push!!!

Ok.... Today, we had Chemistry paper 1, paper 2 and paper 3 as our last subjects. The first and second paper was OK la.... The tips did came out. However, for paper 3, I would say that I think I did quite badly. I think I did the wrong experiment or something. Anyway, who cares? Its OVER!!! Can't turn the time back or somehow change the answer right? So lets just leave it to the God to decide whether DO I DESERVE an A for the subject or not.

Move on to the next point of this post. I finished my paper about 10 minutes earlier. I mean included cheacking and cracking my head again and again until I gave up. The last 10 minutes was so so so so horribaly slow!!! It feels like 10 hours to me. I just wished to finish faster. I can't wait for the movie, New Moon!!! We had already planned this since few weeks ago. lolx. Everyone is just so CRAZY about New Moon now. huhu

Studying die hard

When the clock strike 3.30P.M. ,a huge sound of relieve can be heard from each classes. I guess everyone is just so relieve that it is over. As for me, it felt like putting a burden down after been carrying for so long time. You know, no good night sleep, no good time to eat, no internet, less tv, less texting and calling, PROHABITED to go lepak/hang out, no instant noodles, no junk foods, no cold food/drinks and etc etc. NOW!!! all of that can be FORGET!!! Just FORGET ABOUT IT!!! hahahahaha....... I felt so so so damn happy. Then, went and hugged a few friends. It was a real touching moment... huhux. We wonder when will we meet again? We wonder, how would our lifes be without them and many more questions but I believe WE ARE FRIENDS FOREVER!!!!

Rai and Jana chating... Might be the last chat..... but we know, it won't. haha

Run down the stairs from 3rd floor to the ground floor, when to the office to collect some certificates and stuffs. Then met a few teachers and had a little chat with them. OHYA!!! Today was one of my buddie's birthday. Early in the morning when we were in the hall lining up and checking the attendance, my Chemistry teacher said, Today is Sui Nee's birthday. Then, she asked us to sing a birthday song for her. My friend got blushed!!!! hahax. Well, here's something. My friend's favourite teacher is my Chemistry teacher. She just love her so much... After singging the song, Pn Wan said, "Today is her birthday. It's also her paper today.". Haha.. Know what it means? lolx.

Back to what I did after chit-chatting with some of the teachers. Sui Nee and I rushed out the school gate as if like we had never saw the road or outside the school for years. Then, jump in Shu-lyn's car and head to Sunway Carnival Mall!!! Straight go cinema but before that meet up with Asa and Wei Li first. Get into the cinema and movie started. That movie damn nice la. SO regret that I missed Twilight!!!

NEW MOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AARRRGGGHHH!!!! NEW MOON!!! Love it so much la. huhux.
Can't wait for the next one. I damn lazy want to read the book. To me, movie is easier, save cost and easier to understand and NO WASTE TIME!!!! hahax... Those anti- New Moon can brush off. hehe.... I got to tell all of you this. The movei was SUPERB!!! It was AWESOME!!! To all Edward's fans, I am so so so sorry but I like Jacob. He is so kind. Pity him ended up being dump by Bella. SO stupid. It feels like Bella is using him to see Edward. haih...

After the movie, we went to walk here and there. Do this and that. There is a highlight of the day that I would like to share with all of you. As I had said just now, it's one of my buddie's birthday today. She had to went back earlier so she left us. I think about half an hour to one hour later, she texted another friend of mine saying that she is in Sakae Sushi at the Ground floor. Then, we decided to give her a surprise birthday present. Me and Audrey went in there and look for her. Saw her with all her family members including aunties and uncles. We surprise her with a huge box. She didn't open but she knows that we get it from Pinky Red la. Very obvious since the plastic bag is from Pinky Red. She was happy and of course touched with it... I bet she is SURPRISE with what we did. hahax. Sorry yarh uncles and aunties for disturbing the dinner.

Move on, me, Misha, Priya, Audrey and Chu just hang out for sometime than home sweet home. Had a real great day to celebrate my independence day from SPM. hahax.

I, Ho Yi Ming, hereby declared that, SPM examination for those who did not take Chinese, Tamil, Tasawwur, Pardagangan, Geografi, and I forget.... is NOW FREE from SPM examination. Now, all of you can celebrate your independence day with all your friends and family. Get up all the times that we had missed because of SPM!!! To those that will achieve their independence day soon, all the best in SPM!!!ENJOY EVERYONE!!!^^

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