Wednesday, December 30, 2009


This post is NOT friendly at ALL!!!!! Many of you might not understand but I am sure that certain people understand.

(1st case)
I ask you out also. You said you will give me the answer later. You keep on dragging and dragging. Ok! Fine!!! I understand that you need time to choose who you want to go with. I text you this morning and asked you but you did not reply. So I waited for an hour. Then I thought maybe you're out of credit so I called you. You did not pick up my call instead you sent me a text and told me that you are on your way to Pacific. I ask you with him? And you just reply "Yupz". You know what my feeling is??? If you had already decided to go with him, who should tell me earlier. I cancelled all my programmes just for you... I only have one off day in a week. After this, school is going to reopen and you will be busy with school stuffss.... hmm... Its not that I am angry that you go out with him or whatsoever, but if you had choose that you should tell me earlier ma. Whatever la. Don't know why he can choose/get Wednesday off, the same day as me. hmm... Well,,, I guess its my fault again huh? It always is. lazy want to elaborate anymore. hmm........

(2nd case)
As all of you know(if you are following my blog and Facebook), I am currenly working in Sony Centre, Sunway. We work there by basic pay and commission. I admit that I like to compete. I always want to be fast but that doesn't means that I snatch whoever customer away. The customer's forehead does not labelled **** customer k? Don't say I snatch you customer. If you want the customer than be fast la. Don't just sit there. Like yesterday, got customer but you busy playing PS3 until neglect the customer. WTF!!! If that is you customer and I recognise or you come and tell me, I will surely let you take want even if you're off. But if the customer just walk in like that and I serve first then you said that I snatch you customer away, that is sosososososo unfair k? please.... THINK!!!!

(3rd case)
I thought I can be ok with you d. I mean as friends. I started the first move but you just cool with me. I tried again and again. Then you reminded me that I am not your friend. So, I move out. Hope you are happy with it. It is what you want. Not me!! I hope we can be like last time. Friends at least.

(4th case)
I made a damn F**King big mistake. I introduce a package with the wrong price for the customer. WTF!!! This time sure die la. I ask my senior for confirmation d and he said its that price. Maybe he misunderstood what I said lo. OMG!!! HOW??? What should I do??? The price that I said is RM2499 but the real price for the package is RM 4k+.... GOSH!!!! I somemore got two customer that ordered that package.... GONE LA!!! Hopefully my senior can help me settle. I hope I x get from my bos and x kena potong gaji. OMG!!! I am so so so so sorry to the customers. I am still new. Please forgive me k??? Its ok if you don't want the package... hmmm.....

Damn headache now... I don't know how and what to do on this horrible day. I hope tomorrow will be much better. I really hope that.... God Bless Me....

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