Monday, December 28, 2009

Working Life

Hye everyone. Ming is back. I will not be able to blog often as I am currently working. huhu. Don't have to blog anymore. I now blog with my friends laptop. muahahahaha.... okok. Lets talk about my working life.

I am working at Sony Centre, Sunway. So if any Penangnite wants to buy any Sony product including Sony Ericsson product, feel free to find me k? I almost ruin my chance when interview. Luckily the bos, Mr Lim is good. He gave me a second chance. Actualy I told him to hold first because I wanted to try for Switch since Switch also offer me there but after I get to know that here they give better pay, so i went to tell the bos that I accept the job lo. hehe...

First day of work, came here like a stranger. Its really like "rusa masuk kampung" nie. The staff here very good, very friendly. NO DOUBT about that as very soon, I can suit myself in. We work with basic pay and comission. The seniors/ other staff help you but if the customer is ours, then they will open our bill. hehe. That means, the commission is ours lo. Besides, we can play any product here including PS3, any phones and etc. hehex. Really fun nerh. okla. Sometimes boring also but with the friendly staffs here, no boring d. Guess what, just now, one of the sionr staff here did something to another senior staff. That they start chasing each others here in the shop. hahax. Then, they kononnya want to test the microphone and took out a new microphone and start singing session. hahax. Smart huh? Using the reason want to test or try then can use d. hahax.

Althought the pay here bot very high but I am very happy to be here. I don't mind the pay as long as I don't feel sucks working. hehex. Ohya, forget to tell. Here at Sunway Sony Centre, its kind of like full with CBW girl. There are 4 of us working here. hehex. Cool right? hahax.... Kla..... Shall continue next time in part 2.

CYAR!!!! muaxx to my P....... D........

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