Wednesday, December 16, 2009

A Hair Cut Finally

Aloha readers. As all of you know, I used to be long haired. I had been living in long hair life for the past errrmm..... aaround 10 years I think. Well, since I am in standard two. Now, I had finished my SPM and out of school, which means, school rules is no longer something I MUST follow, I went and cut my hair. The main reason I cut my hair is because of someone la.haha...

I went for the hair cut on Saturday and another cut on Sunday.



I had received various response and comments. There are good and bad comments. The worst part is, I had even lost a close friend because of THIS!!! So stupid right? Its like, come on la. You already know I am like this since the very beginning. If you don't like it, then fine la. Its my hair, not yours. Don't insult me or anything. Who are you to insult me???!!!

Besides, many people asked me I sampai hati meh? The answer is YES!!! Of course la. But there is a pushing factor so it does not hurt that much. I should keep my hair and make it to wig. Now only I know i can actually earn about RM50 by selling my hair to make wig. hahax. Well... Its ok la. I don't really mind.

My parents reaction? My parents came back from Thailand the other day and saw my hair. Surprise of course but my mom knew that I'm going to do this so there is not really a big reaction on her la. She just asked this and that and tell me not to cut anymore. My dad, the first word that came out of his mouth is "Gonelah." Others ok nie la. I knew that my action will cause me a lot of consequences but I think I had prepared for it.

Sometimes I just don''t understand. Its my hair. Why should anyone bother? I am going to be 18 in less then a month time so what? After 18 I am a FREE BIRD!!! I should not deny if you ask me wether do I regret doing all this? My answer will be, Not for now. If everything doesn't work that I might regret but hair can grow right? Its not that it cannot grow anymore or something. So, we shall see how it goes la. God Bless Me....

How about studies? I am currently enjoying my holiday. Planning to work soon so not going to take January intake. I think I shall wait for the result. If I get a good result, maybe I will be taking related subject to Aviation. I wanted to be a pilot but if not pilot and only enginneer will do also la. Huhu... If my result not so good, then I shall be doing law. Most probabbly following my elder sister's foot step. I hope that my parents will send me to Brickfields instead of PTPL or ATC Kemayan. Ermm.... KDU also can. After completing my Law, I wanted to go for Culinary Arts. Actually, I wanted to take Culinary Arts instead of Law my non of my family members agree with that so I have to at least get a degree in Law and pass my CLP before doing my Culinary Arts. For Culinary Art, I want to go to Taylor's College. They have the best Culinary Art course in the whole nation. So, no doubt. I will go Taylor's College for Culinary Arts in future.

For now, I will be searching for work with errm... kind of high salary. hahaha. okla. Got to go now. Shall see all of you soon......

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