Thursday, December 10, 2009

A Day Out With *********

Hi everyone!!! Feeling good huh? Yeah... I know how all of you feel now. SPM has just over right? So whats more? Its time to hang out and all with our love ones and friends. OkOk. Again, yesterday I went to Sunway. Its the 2nd day in a row my friends and I went there. However, this time is a little different. I went there by public bus with ********* , Audrey and Sui Nee. It was the first time that we get so close after a few months. hehex.

Reach Sunway Carnival Mall, Audrey and Sui Nee went to the cinema because Audrey's camera's battery had gone lost suspected to be in the cinema while ********* and I went our own way. Went one round at the ground floor then went up to the cinema. Decided to watch A Christmas Carol.

No doubt. This movie is boring. hmm..... Kind of regret watching this movie but don't mind la. I had a great time with *********. hehex. After the movie, we went round the mall again and again and again and again. Around 3-4 rounds if I am not mistaken. hehex. For some people, it may be BORING!!! but as for me, its not because I am accompanied by my loved one. Than, around 1.00 something, we went MAKAN!!! ok. Only I makan-ing. Than, ** came so ********* is following ** and left me. huhux. I know. It may be stupid for certain people to bring their love one and see them with other people, but what to do. Love is blind. hehex. Then, went and watch a movie with Sui Nee while waiting for ********* to finish the movie with **. Coincidently, our movie finished at the same time and our hall is just beside.

After that, we went back and of course by bus. The thing is, I accompanied ********* back because I am worried. Maybe I have been too protective. lolx. I asked too many questions too I guess. Anyway, its a great outing for me as I am accompanied by my friends and of course *********. Thanks everyone. *********, I hope what I am doing is correct and what you told me is true. I just want to show and prove to *** that *** is wrong about you. I love you with all my heart and YEAH!!! I will always be there for you, waiting for you, and showers you with all my love. Thank you for the day..... I hope there is another day like this but better without **.

Ok peoples, I am off for another show of A Christmas Carol. Its boring I know but I am going for 3D at Gurney. So, should be exciting I hope. hehex.

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