I am BACK!!!
This time, I will bring to you a few pictures about my new pets.
They are the cutie caterpillars I had found a few daya back in my backyard.
I actually have had stuffs like this a few years back.
When I was little, I love spiders.
I always spent my time catching spiders and run around chasing others whom are afraid of them.
Then, I grew up liking small snails that we can get from the flower pot.
Its very tiny sized about 0.5mm.
Later, I start liking stuffs like caterpillars.
One day, my mom angrily told me that there's a group of caterpillars destroyed her plants so I anxiously went out to check out what's going on.
I got attracted by those cutiesssss and later decided to nurture them.
Not knowing how to nurture them into and adult butterfly, I tried my best to copy the same environment and to have all the needs as they have from their origins.
The first time of my efforts works and they became beautiful butterflies.
About two years back, I have another round of caterpillars.
There were 8 of them and I had even brought them to school so that I would not missed much of their growing processes.
Some of my friends and teachers were quite excited about them but some just felt so disgusting. hahahaha
Fews days later they went into cacoon stage and slept for a week.
A week later, they turned into beautiful butterfly and I brought them to school to show my friends and released them there.
This time around, I have 4 caterpillars and they are now in a stage of cacoon.
Soon(next week) they are going to be hatch into beautiful butterfliessss....
I can't wait to see them.
Oh My Babiessss......
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